PURPOSE: 1.To advance education by developing, teaching and providing free education programs, which focus on health, climate change, future career opportunities, LITERACY, and other similar topics. 2. Our team also supports related individual and group actions that help to better people, communities and countries. 3.The audiences are youth, families, educators, and the public. 4. Currently we offer three projects: Wise Youth Know The Deal (WYKD), Responsible Action Towards the Environment (RATE), and Survivor Career Challenge.
HISTORY: CIYC was founded and launched in Canada in January 2005 by President Carol Green. She has been a global youth social marketing expert since 1983. An American Greetings Company hired her then to create philanthropic initiatives to benefit the lives of youth, families and educators. Partnerships between all stakeholders led to successful, long-term projects that focused on literacy, diversity, fitness, community responsibility, and other key issues.
In 1989 Carol founded a youth social marketing company, Children's Creative Marketing Inc. (
WWW.CHILDRENSCREATIVEMKT.COM). Until 2004, her work teams created and implemented information projects in Canada and the United States, which addressed literacy, the arts, safety, building self esteem, explaining math, science + technology, careers, and many other important topics. Helpful, free, gender learning-balanced, written and website resources, products, broadcast programming, community events, public relations and other elements were used to reach hundreds of millions of youth, their families and educators in several countries. Corporate, government, and organization funders generously supported these initiatives. CCMI developed an international reputation for creating quality, ethical projects. Carol has spoken, written and given interviews globally about social marketing and responsible business/education partnerships. RATE, WYKD + Survivor Career Challenge were commenced in 2003 at CCMI, then transferred to CIYC.
As more funders required tax receipts, and Foundation contacts expressed interest in CCMI's work, it was decided to create a separate, registered charity - CIYC. The initial registration is in Canada, and a U.S. non-profit organization has also been founded. US tax-exempt status application is underway. All three initial projects have secured copyright protection since 2003, and the lengthy trademark process started then is now midway.
Although internal + external sabotage stopped our fundraising efforts in 2005-fall 2007, Carol Green provided funding for continuing projects research and promotion. Now she is securing external funding for imminent launches of RATE + WYKD.